Obendorf Family - Parma, Idaho

Obendorf Family - Parma, Idaho

The Obendorf family of farms, which includes Obendorf Hop, Central Cove Hop, and Brock and Phillip Obendorf Farms has shown their commitment to quality in a big way. In the last six years, the Obendorf family has spent over $45 million to make their operation a global leader in hop quality, efficiency, and capacity. “World-class facilities make world-class hops,” according to Brock Obendorf, owner of Obendorf Hop. “We wanted to be sustainable long term, a respected operation that is a leader in quality in the hop industry.” It seems that this investment is paying off, as these farms have been awarded with several Yakima Chief quality awards in the past couple of years.

Obendorfs, along with many other farms, have incurred substantial debt loads to produce that quality, and they are putting a healthy amount of trust in the long-term stability of the grower-brewer relationship. “We are currently investing all of our profits in the operation. It will take us 10 years to pay off these investments, but we know that we have to keep reinvesting every single year to meet the quality demands of the industry.”

Recent Investments

Posted January 05, 2020
